Create a French garden with gravel between vegetable beds to enhance aesthetics, keep the garden cleaner, and reduce weeds and pests.
Use a four-by-four-foot raised garden bed divided into one-foot squares to efficiently grow vegetables, ideal for small spaces and beginners.
Arrange vegetables by color, using ombré looks or complementary colors to create visually appealing garden rows.
Plant a mix of leafy greens, root crops, and herbs close to your home for easy access to fresh ingredients, with continuous replanting for a steady supply.
Improve your garden's appearance and protect it from critters with a combination of hogwire panels and galvanized hardware cloth fencing.
Place pots of various sizes on your stairs, giving each plant its own container to avoid competition for nutrients and moisture.
Repurpose a ladder to hold various sizes of pots and window boxes, creating a compact and attractive herb garden on your patio or deck.