8 Radiant Yellow Perennials to Illuminate Your Garden

Basket of Gold:

Known for its bright yellow clusters, this low-growing perennial is ideal for ground cover, thriving in full sunlight and well-drained soil.

Globe Flower:

With bold yellow blossoms, this moisture-loving plant flourishes near ponds, offering a vibrant, easy-to-care-for addition to damp garden areas.

Yarrow Moonshine :

Celebrated for its bright yellow flowers and silvery foliage, this drought-resistant perennial is popular for its resilience and medicinal benefits.


Known for its vibrant, feathery clusters, this late summer bloomer attracts wildlife and thrives in naturalistic gardens, despite misconceptions about causing hay fever.

Black-eyed Susan:

This native wildflower, with golden-yellow petals and dark centers, attracts pollinators and is easy to cultivate in full sunlight and well-drained soil.

Tickseed Sunflower:

This low-maintenance perennial blooms prolifically, providing continuous bright yellow flowers ideal for borders, hanging baskets, and container gardens.


An evergreen perennial with deep yellow flowers, it blooms from early spring to mid-fall and adapts well to different climates, attracting bees and butterflies.

Golden Tiara Hosta:

Known for its ornamental foliage with golden-yellow edges, this compact perennial thrives in shaded areas, adding color to darker garden parts.