8 Signs of Depression in Children You Should Recognize

Persistent Sadness

Children may appear unusually sad or hopeless over an extended period, indicating potential depression.

Irritability or Anger

Frequent irritability or anger, more than usual for the child’s age, can be a sign of underlying depression.

Withdrawal from Activities

Losing interest in hobbies, sports, or social activities they once enjoyed can signal depression.

Changes in Sleep Patterns

Sleeping too much or too little, including frequent nightmares or difficulty falling asleep, might indicate depression.

Changes in Appetite

Noticeable weight loss or gain due to changes in eating habits can be a symptom of depression in children.

Difficulty Concentrating

Struggling to focus on schoolwork or other tasks, leading to declining academic performance, can be a sign of depression.

Physical Complaints

Frequent headaches, stomachaches, or other physical ailments without a clear medical cause can be linked to depression.

Expressing Feelings of Worthlessness

Children may vocalize feelings of being worthless or unloved, which are serious indicators of depression.

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