The 9 Smartest Characters in Movies, Ranked

Michael Burry The Big Short (2015)

Michael Burry's revolutionary decision to capitalize on the instability of the U.S. housing market showcases his brilliance in investing. Despite his Asperger's diagnosis, Burry saw massive potential in the industry

Andy Dufresne The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

Wrongfully imprisoned, Andy Dufresne uses his banking knowledge to become indispensable within Shawshank, helping guards with their taxes. His endurance, patience, and intelligence culminate

Dr. Louise Banks Arrival (2016)

Tasked with communicating with extraterrestrials, Dr. Louise Banks abandons traditional linguistic methods to decipher their language. Her creative thinking and willingness to learn showcase her remarkable intellect

Hannibal Lecter The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

Despite his vicious nature, Dr. Hannibal Lecter is a complex genius. His psychological expertise allows him to manipulate others and plan intricate escapes. His insights assist Agent Starling in capturing Buffalo Bill

Hermione Granger Harry Potter (2001)

Renowned for her vast knowledge and quick thinking, Hermione Granger excels in spellcasting and problem-solving. Her dedication to learning and bravery make her an invaluable asset

Princess Leia Star Wars (1977)

Earning her PhD at 19, Princess Leia is a brilliant and fearless leader. Her intelligence and strategic prowess shine in both politics and war, making her an iconic character who fights tirelessly for justice and freedom.

Peter Parker Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

With an IQ of 150, Peter Parker is an underrated genius. He invents his own spider web substance and designs his costumes. His scientific acumen and wisdom, influenced by Uncle Ben's teachings

Katherine Johnson Hidden Figures (2016)

Overcoming racial and gender barriers, mathematician Katherine Johnson's brilliance led her to NASA, where she calculated the path that put a man on the moon. Her persistence and exceptional talent with numbers

Raymond Babbitt Rain Man (1988)

Despite severe autism, Raymond Babbitt possesses extraordinary mathematical abilities. His savant skills allow him to calculate large sums effortlessly, but his brother Charlie's exploitation of his talents